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Dr. Blerina Kellezi

When I worked at School of Psychology, the focus of my work was in investigating how collective identity can influence the impact of extreme events on well being amongst war survivors. Such influence lies in the appraisal and meaning given to the events experienced, social support and coping strategies chosen by the individuals experiencing the extreme events.

The findings of my work suggest that the perceived normativity of events in terms of a particular identity and strength of identification can influence appraisal, coping and support and consecutively well being following extreme events.  I am also interested in group influence and social exclusion. While in clinical psychology my interest lies in the social, cultural and political aspects of trauma (especially in man-made disasters).  

I left the University of Nottingham in 2006 and now work as a Research Fellow at the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture.

Conferences and talks

July 2005. 14 th General Meeting of the E.A.E.S.P. Germany. Fighting for the Future. Social identity and the experience of armed conflict amongst Kosovo Albanians.

 June 2005. The 9 th European conference on Traumatic Stress. Sweden. Surviving the conflict in Kosovo. The role of tradition and identity on Mental Health.

 April 2005. The Traumatic Stress Clinic, Camden and Islington Mental Health and Social Care Trust. Seeking refuge, trauma treatment and enforced return: the case of post-war Kosovo woman asylum seekers”. Talk given with Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers.

February 2005. School of Psychology Psycholoquia series, University of St. Andrews: “ Conflict, appraisal and psychological outcomes: A group perspective”.

November 2004 . Seminar Series, University of Exeter, School of Psychology.  “Social Identity, appraisal and trauma”.

 November 2004 . Invited speaker at Psych-soc society of St. Andrews University. “Social Identity and conflict”.

 October 2004 . Invited speaker at “Cross-Cultural Aspects of Mental Health and Psychosocial Well-Being in Immigrant/Refugee Adolescents” , Hvar , Croatia. Title:“Social Identity, Social Support, Idealism and Trauma, amongst Kosovo Albanians”.









Content: Angela Gillett
HTML: Lee Melton

School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK
Tel: +44 [0]115-951-5361, Fax: +44 [0]115-951-5324