Nadja Heym

I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Nottingham in September 2004; followed by an MSc in Psychological Research Methods as part of the 1+3 (MSc + PhD) programme. During the BSc I examined the effects of gender stereotyping on victim blaming using a cross-cultural design (Germany vs. England). This research has been extended in my MSc project by looking at the impact of personality on empathy taking and victim blaming.
During my PhD I investigate affective and cognitive styles related to Psychoticism and their impact on behaviour using cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. My research focuses especially on the role of Psychoticism and Impulsivity in aggression, empathy, attribution style, risk taking and delinquency. As part of this I also examine psychopathic traits in general populations to further explore the recent concept of successful psychopathy.
My supervisors are Dr. Claire Lawrence and Dr. Ellen Townsend.
Please also look at my personal webpage.
Heym, N., & Lawrence, C. The relationship between Psychoticism, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness and their Role in Empathy and Victim Blaming. 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece; July, 2006.
Heym, N., & Lawrence, C. The Role of Empathy in Psychoticism and Aggression. School of Psychology Postgraduate Conference, University of Nottingham, UK; October, 2006.
Heym, N., & Lawrence, C. The Relationship between Psychoticism, Empathy and Aggression. To be presented at: International Society for the Study of Individual Differences Conference, Giessen, Germany; July 2007.
Heym, N., & Lawrence, C. Constructs Involved in Victim Blaming and their link to personality and empathy. The British Psychological Society - Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference, 20th – 22nd June 2006, University of Central Lancashire, UK; June, 2006.
Heym, N., Bibby, P., & Lawrence, C. A Cross-Cultural Study on the Effect of Gender Stereotypes on Victim Blaming. 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece; July, 2006
Heym, N., & Lawrence, C. The role of Personality in Blame Attribution and Perceived Emotions during hypothetical incidences of Victimisation. To be presented at: International Society for the Study of Individual Differences Conference, Giessen, Germany; July 2007.