Tobias Bast, Recent
and Selected Publications
Click here for GoogleScholar
profile (including a full list of publications).
Bast T, Pezze M, McGarrity
S (2017) Cognitive deficits caused by prefrontal cortical and hippocampal
neural disinhibition Brit J Pharm 174: 3211–3225 (PDF) (Press
release) McGarrity S, Mason R,
Fone KF, Pezze M, Bast, T (2017) Hippocampal neural disinhibition causes
attentional and memory deficits. Cereb Cortex 27:
4447–4462 (PDF) (Press
release) Wang J, Bast T, Wang
Y-C, Zhang W-N (2015) Hippocampus and two-way active-avoidance learning:
contrasting effects of cytotoxic lesions and of temporary functional
inactivation. Hippocampus 25: 1517-1531 (PDF) Heath FC, Jurkus R,
Bast T, Pezze M, Lee JLC, Voigt JP, Stevenson CW (2015) Dopamine D1-like
receptors are required for contextual fear conditioning: role of dorsal
hippocampus and basolateral amygdala. Psychopharmacology 232:2619-2629 (Open
Access) Pezze M, McGarrity S,
Mason R, Fone K, Bast T (2014) Too little and too
much: hypoactivation and disinhibition of medial
prefrontal cortex cause attentional deficits. J Neurosci
34: 7931-7946 (Open Access) (Press
release) da Silva BM, Bast T,
Morris RGM (2014) Spatial memory: behavioral
determinants of persistence in the watermaze
delayed matching-to-place task. Learn Mem 21: 28-36 (PDF) (Cover image) Zhang W-N, Bast T, Xu
Y, Feldon J (2014) Temporary inhibition of dorsal or ventral hippocampus by muscimol: distinct effects on measures of innate anxiety
on the elevated plus maze, but similar disruption of contextual fear
conditioning. Behav Brain Res 262: 47-56 (PDF) Pezze M, Bast T (2012)
Dopaminergic modulation of hippocampus-dependent learning: Blockade of
hippocampal D1-class receptors during learning impairs 1-trial place memory
at a 30-min retention delay. Neuropharmacology 63: 710-718
(PDF) Bast
T (2011) The hippocampal learning-behavior
translation and the functional significance of hippocampal dysfunction in
schizophrenia. Curr Opin Neurobiol 21: 492-501
(PDF) Jackson
SJ, Hussey R, Jansen MA, Merrifield GD, Marshall I, MacLullich
A, Yau JLW, Bast T (2011) Manganese-enhanced
magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI) of rat brain after systemic administration
of MnCl2: hippocampal signal enhancement without disruption of
hippocampus-dependent behavior. Behav
Brain Res 216:233-300 (PDF) Bast
T, Wilson IA, Witter MP, Morris RGM (2009) From rapid place learning to behavioral performance – a key role for the intermediate
hippocampus. PLoS Biol 7(4): e1000089.
small, PDF
large); see here
for news release. Bast
T (2007) Toward an integrative perspective on hippocampal function - from the
rapid encoding of experience to adaptive behavior. Rev
Neurosci 18: 253-281 (PDF) Bast
T, Da Silva BM, Morris RGM (2005) Distinct contributions of hippocampal NMDA
and AMPA receptors to encoding and retrieval of one-trial place memory. J Neurosci 25: 5845-5856 (PDF) Peleg-Raibstein D, Pezze MA, Ferger
B, Zhang W-N, Murphy CA, Feldon J, Bast T (2005) Activation of dopaminergic
neurotransmission in the medial prefrontal cortex by NMDA stimulation of the
ventral hippocampus in rats. Neuroscience 132: 219-232 (PDF) Bast T, Feldon J
(2003) Hippocampal modulation of sensorimotor processes. Prog
Neurobiol 70: 319-345 (PDF) Bast T, Zhang W-N, Feldon J (2003) Dorsal hippocampus and classical fear conditioning to tone and context in rats: the effects of local NMDA-receptor blockade and stimulation. Hippocampus 13: 657-675 (PDF) Pezze MA, Bast T,
Feldon J (2003) Significance of dopamine transmission in the rat medial
prefrontal cortex for conditioned fear. Cereb
Cortex 13: 371-380 (PDF) |