C Moodle forum settings

There are three options to reduce the number of forum post notification emails. To find these, scroll down in a forum post notification email you received. You should see these options:

  • Unsubscribe from this forum.
    • Not recommended.
    • You will no longer receive any notifications about posts on this forum and will likely miss relevant information.
  • Unsubscribe from this discussion.
    • Recommended.
    • You will no longer receive notifications about posts in this particular discussion.
    • E.g., if the notification email you received was about a post in the “Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment” discussion and you click on this link, you will not be notified of future posts in this discussion.
    • However, you will be notified of posts in, say, the “Sperry’s split brain research” discussion (and any other discussions).
  • Change your forum digest preferences.
    • Also okay.
    • If you click on this link, you will have the follwoing options:
      • No digest: You will receive one email per forum post (the default).
      • Complete posts: You will receive one digest e-mail per day containing the complete contents of each forum post. If you opt for the digest, I would tend to recommend this option.
      • Subjects only: You will receive one digest e-mail per day containing just the subject of each forum post.
    • Note that this setting will affect all discussions on this forum, not just the current discussion.