Chapter 43 Creating charts
In this chapter, I’m going to show you how to create bar charts/point plots using Excel and SPSS. The videos are a bit longer than strictly necessary, because I decided to create these graphs without any advance preparation (I usually use Python to create graphs, so don’t really have much experience using Excel or SPSS for this purpose). Apart from potentially being more fun to watch, I thought it might also be helpful for you to see what I do when I hit a wall (and I hit a few…).
43.1 Excel bar chart
Here is a video of me creating a bar chart in Excel (29 min):
Jonathan pointed out that the “Near trials” label can be added below the x-axis by going to Add Chart Element → Axis Titles → Primary Horizontal. For some reason I thought axis title would refer to the labels under the bars.
43.2 ESCI point plot
ESCI is a tool (originally) implemented in Excel. It accompanies Geoff Cumming’s book “Introduction to the New Statistics”. You can download ESCI here.
Here is a video of me creating a point plot using ESCI (20 min):